How's your pair hangin'?

Find out what to look for
Go on, have a feel

Testicular cancer is the #1 cancer in younger guys. But good news: it's highly curable when caught early.

Learn how to give your nuts a feel and get to know what's normal for you. So if you notice a change — or that something doesn't feel right — you'll know to act on it.

How to check your pair

Every nut is unique. Get to know yours in three easy steps.

An infographic image depicting the first step to checking your testicles.

Warm up in a steamy shower. This relaxes and loosens your nuts, getting them ready to be checked.

An infographic image depicting the second step to checking your testicles.

With your thumb and finger, roll one testicle to get to know what’s normal for you. Check for any changes or anything painful.Warm up in a steamy shower. This relaxes and loosens your nuts, getting them ready to be checked.

An infographic image depicting the third step to checking your testicles.

Repeat with the other nut.

What to do next

Get to know what's normal, what's not and when to take action.

What to look for

Your nuts should feel pretty smooth and firm. Sensitive, but not painful. Get to know what’s normal for you. Then look for unusual changes over time. Stuff like a lump, swelling or pain. If you notice a change, it doesn’t automatically mean something is wrong. Get your doc to take a look and go from there.

Found something?

Lumps, bumps and aches can be a normal part of testicle ownership. But if you've noticed something that wasn't there before — or something has changed — it's time to tee up a visit to the doctor. Our guide explains what to expect from your appointment.

A word of advice from nurse and Mo Bro Fraser
A portrait image of Fraser
A word of advice from nurse and Mo Bro Fraser
Don’t let luck decide what your outcome is. Listen to your body and trust your gut. Even if you’re not sure something is wrong, make that appointment and play it safe.

Want to know more?

A young man placing his hand on the shoulder of another young man. The two are smiling at each other.

Get the facts about testicular cancer

What is testicular cancer? Who's at risk? Our article answers these questions and – importantly – points you to reliable information.

Two men standing arm in arm.

The tools to tackle testicular cancer

In the unlikely event that you or someone you know is diagnosed with testicular cancer, Movember has your back.

Nuts & Bolts is our go-to website for reliable, straight-talking testicular cancer information, resources and guidance.